Talking at Palace title image

Depending upon the Palace you choose to visit, you'll find that Palace talk is a lot like party or pub conversation. Every imaginable topic is discussed. As you become familiar with the people, you'll find yourself drawn to those with similar interests and you'll begin to visit specific Palaces with that in mind.

This section of Studio Dust's TPV Guide will take you from the very basics of holding a conversation, to the features that make Palace the best chat on the net!

Scroll down or choose a link from the menu below to get started.

BasicsYour logWhisperingSpecial BalloonsPreferencesAcronymsTips


Basics of Palace talk


When you enter a Palace for the first time it can be a bit confusing. Click on an empty spot in the room to move there, then just sit back and watch for a moment. Often another visitor will greet you by the name you've chosen. When you're ready, simply click in the input box at the bottom of the TPV screen:

TPV input box screenshot

Type hello and hit the enter key on your keyboard. Your hello will appear in a word balloon beside you avatar on the screen. That's all there is to it! You've just greeted the entire room!

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Your palace log


The log is a running transcript of everything that is said by all visitors in a Palace room. Keeping your log open is a good way to keep up with the conversation if the room is very busy. It's also helpful when you leave your computer for a minute or two. When you get back, you can scroll through the log to catch up on what you've missed.

To open your log, click on the toolbar icon at the bottom right of your TPV screen:

The toolbar opens and you will see the log icon:

Click the icon to open your log. This window, like all floating TPV windows, can be resized and moved out of the way so that you can keep it open throughout your visit.

Palace log screenshot

Use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to scroll back and forward through the log. There are 4 commands available in the log by clicking on "Options" at the top of the log window:

Palace log screenshot 2

What does it do?
Copy Text
This option is not available at this time. Look for it in an upcoming upgrade.
Clear Window
This option clears all the text from the log. If you are saving the log to a file on your hard drive, this will not affect the file.
Clicking on this option will open the preferences window. We'll talk more about this further down on this page.
Start Recording
This option is used to save a copy of the log to your hard drive. When you click on this option a "Save as" window will open, allowing you to choose a folder and name for the log file on your hard drive. Recording starts immediately and ends when you close TPV or when you click "Stop Recording" (The "Start Recording option changes to "Stop Recording" when you begin to save the log.)

Certain parts of the log text may appear in different colors. You can set the preferences for the text color of whispered speech and words spoken by moderators. We'll talk about setting preferences a bit further down the page. For now just leave them at the default setting.

If someone says the address of a web page in conversation, you can click on it in the log window and a new browser window will open to that page. If the new window covers your TPV screen, just minimize or resize it to move it out of your way.

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Although whatever you say at Palace is seen by everyone in the room by default, you can also hold a private conversation. When you choose the name of an individual from the "Chat Target" menu, your words will only be seen by that particular person.

To access the menu, click on the "Chat Target Selector" button at the left side of the input box   The menu, with the names of everyone in the room listed, will pop up:

Chat target window screenshot

Click on the name of the person you want to speak privately with. The menu will close and you will be in "Whisper" mode. Just type in the input box and hit enter as you normally would. Only the person you selected will see your words.

You can also select "Operator" from the "Chat Target" Menu. This will allow only the operators, moderators, or "wizards" as they are sometimes called, to hear you if you want to ask a question or request help.

To help you recognize when someone is whispering to you, whispered conversation shows on the screen in a different color than normal speech. The colors can be chosen in the preferences dialog box. We'll get to that in a moment.

Remember to select "Everyone" from the target menu when you are done whispering.

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Special balloons


When you use TPV to visit Palace you can use special speech "balloons" to give the impression of different "types" of speech. There are 4 types available.


By default your speech will appear in a normal balloon.


This balloon is used when you want to show everyone that you are excited, amused, upset, etc. This is the one place you can freely use your caps key!


This one will make your words appear to be a thought, spoken only to yourself, but everyone will see it.

The sign balloon will stay on the screen until you move to a new location or until you speak in another type of balloon. Among other things, It can be used if you step away from your computer or are otherwise occupied. For example, just say "brb" (be right back) in a sign balloon and everyone will know that you aren't available.

pop up balloon images

There are 2 ways to use special balloons when you visit Palace through TPV:

1. Use the balloon "selector" button at the bottom of your TPV screen. Just click on the button and choose the type of balloon you want to use from the pop-up menu

Balloon type window screenshot

Type in the input box and hit the enter key. Your words will appear in the balloon you selected.

2. You can also use special "commands" to choose a balloon. Type one of the commands listed below directly before your words and then hit the "enter" key on your keyboard.


Typing this: !We'll see you at Palace!!

Will produce this:


Shouting balloon example


[Up to Talking Menu]


Setting your preferences


There are a few preferences available on TPV that can be changed by the user if desired. They can be changed in the "Preferences" window which is accessed through the toolbar.

First click on the "Toolbar" button at the bottom right of your TPV screen :
The toolbar will open and you will see the "Preferences" icon :

Click the icon to open the Preferences window :

Preferences window screenshot

Set your preferences by using the drop down menus for font type, sizes and color. You can pick from 9 fonts, 4 sizes and 13 colors. Notice that the top half of the window pertains to your "on screen" text, and the bottom half pertains to the text in your log.

It's best to leave the buffer size at the default of 600 lines for a start. The buffer determines where the log will begin when you save it to your hard drive. In this case it will begin up to 600 lines of the text logged before you hit the save button.

There is one other option available in the Preferences window, "Bounce into room". If this option is checked, when you enter a room you will appear to bounce down and back up. To everyone else in the room you seem to be "landing" in one spot, they won't see you bounce. This is helpful when entering a busy room because you can immediately see where your avatar is located.

Click "Save" when you have your preferences set the way you like. That's all there is to it.

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When chatting at Palace, just like in any chat room, visitors use acronyms to speed up the pace of the conversation.

Acronyms are abbreviations, or, words made from the first letters of other words. They can be used in general conversation as well as typed in sign balloons to serve as temporary announcements.

Below is a list of the most common acronyms you'll see when you visit Palace through TPV.

Address: E-mail, Palace or URL for instance
Away from computer
As far as I know
Away from keyboard
Be back
Be back later
Be back soon
Big grin
Be right back
By the way
Communities.Com The company that now owns Palace
See you
Check your mail
Downloading: Used to let people know that you are downloading a room at Palace.
Electric Communities: The second owner of Palace
Face to face
For your information
Got to go
I see
Used when someone is sending or receiving messages using the ICQ instant messaging program.
In my humble opinion
In my opinion
In my not so humble opinion
In real life
Just kidding
Long time no see
Laughing out loud
Hello again
Real life
Rolling on the floor laughing
Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
Skater : As in sk8er av's, a popular type of av at Palace
Significant other
ThePalace Inc.: The original developers of Palace
Ta Ta for now
Talk to you later
Thank you
Uniform Resource Locator: A web address
Very big grin
Welcome back
You're welcome

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Tips on talking at Palace


Below you'll find a few quick tips on talking at Palace :

1. It's considered good manners to greet the room when you enter and say a quick good-bye as you leave.

2. Lurk (listen) a little when you first enter a room. This will give you an idea of what's being discussed. Feel free to jump in or start a new discussion but try not to interrupt indiscriminately.

3. If you are uncomfortable or just plain bored in a room, try another. You'll find different conversations among different groups of people at Palace, just as in "real life".

4. Don't be picky about other people's speech. Typos are seen often online as people try to keep up with the conversation. Remember also that the person you're chatting with may not use your language as their first language.

5. Don't type in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, please. At Palace, as in any chat room, this is considered shouting.

6. To avoid misunderstandings, learn to use acronyms and "emoticons" such as  :-) or ;-)  when you chat. At times people can't tell if you're kidding, being mean, or really upset when all they have to go on is your words. Adding these little extras can avoid hurt feelings and fighting online.

7. Please remember not to "dump" a huge amount of text at one time. Not only will it take up a large part of the room and hide other visitors, it also takes up bandwidth and causes lag.

8. Please don't forget that it is wrong and ILLEGAL to threaten, or harass other people online. Don't get into trouble by engaging in this sort of behavior yourself.

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Please see the "Guidelines" page of the Studio Dust TPV Guide for more information on making your Palace visit the best it can be.


Have fun at Palace!


Please click on a link below to continue.


*** NOTE ***

The Palace Viewer is no longer supported by
In order to visit Palace through your browser at this time you will need to use Instant Palace, a very similar program. You are welcome to browse through this site, as much of the information on TPV is applicable to Instant Palace. For more information please visit the


If you prefer to go straight to Studio Dust Palace, using
Instant Palace, please click on the button below.

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© 2000 Innocent Bystander Productions