Palace is an exciting,
visually oriented chat experience, an online community of people who
come together to interact in rich graphical environments while wearing
avatars personalized to represent themselves.
In comparison to regular
chat, Palace visitors express themselves using sounds, space and movement
as well as text.
With over a thousand Palaces
open to the public at any given time, built by people from all corners
of the world, there really is SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. And it's all free!

This section of Studio Dust's
web site will introduce you to the basics of using The Palace Viewer,
the newest way to visit Palace, right in your browser! You'll learn
how to communicate, how to get around PalaceSpace, how to find and save
avatars, a few basic guidelines and more.
Just click
on a link below to continue.
All links
in this guide will open in a new browser window. Just minimize or
close the new window to return to this site.
*** NOTE ***
The Palace Viewer is no longer supported by
In order to visit Palace through your browser at this time you
will need to use Instant Palace, a very similar program.
You are welcome to browse through this site, as much of the
information on TPV is applicable to Instant Palace.
For more information please visit the
you prefer to go straight to Studio Dust Palace, using
Instant Palace, please click on the button below.

Studio Dust
is not just about chatting!
Visit the main Studio
Dust website to see what
else we have to offer.
Just click on a link below.
(For more information about Studio Dust Palace click
on "Palace")
images used in this section of Studio Dust's web site are created
avatars made by Palace users throughout PalaceSpace. Many are originals
that can be
found in Studio Dust's prop rooms. I would like to thank everyone
who contributed their
creations to these web pages.
would also like to thank everyone throughout PalaceSpace who helped
me in creating this guide, including all those who responded to my
questions posted to the Palace mailing lists, the people at
customer service, everyone at Studio Dust, the wonderful people at
Maytree's Retreat and many more. A special thanks to David* at Peace
Palace for helping me test a multitude of things over the past 5 months
and to Floyd at Studio Dust for, as always, his infinite patience
and many contributions to this guide.